è un progetto artistico ed etico, con lo scopo di educare i bambini di oggi, adulti di domani, al rispetto dell’uomo e della natura.

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Segui i voli di animaBIRIKI

Music and sound

Sonic and musical experimentation is an essential part of the research.
The sounds in animaBIRIKI are concrete – they are recordings of real objects and elements from the set design to which vocal experimentations are added.

A group of young musicians from the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana (Italian-speaking Swiss Conservatory) performed the music, which was recorded at the RSI Studios in Besso, Switzerland.
The music, composed for orchestra, is inspired by the rhythm of Biriki’s words, written and improvised from his rhythmic variations.

Making of

The animaBIRIKI staff is a group of visual experimenters and artists who, starting from the storyboard, work in analogue and digital format, blending together disciplines and mixing up their different know-how.


September - October 2013


the making of