Choose a right and download the KIT. Follow these simple instructions:
Do you already have a Kit with the post card and the paper shapes? Then go to step 2.
If not download the kit that you can print at home.
Create a character With the colourful paper shapes create your own character: you can cut them, draw on them, glue them to each other.
Glue your character to the starry sky of the post card and then take a picture or scan your creation. (indichiamo qualcosa di tecnico?)
Choose a right With the help of an adult read carefully the rights that you will find below and chose the right that you and you character like best.
Send the picture to Biriki Send your digital postcard with your character attached to the address and write as text the right that you picked. If you want you can also write your name and the name of your character!
Spread! After a few days your work will appear on the facebook page of animaBIRIKI and in the album adopt a right. Your parents and your friends will have the chance to “adopt” your character or that of another child.

I have the right to live
no one can kill me, no one can enslave me.

no one can harm me
no one can mistreat me, no one can exploit me.

I have the right to have medical care
if I fall ill I have the right to have a doctor and medicines, i also have the right to know what is wrong with my health.

all children are equal
no one can be mistreated for the colour of their skin, their religion, poverty, language, because they are a boy or a girl.

no child has to be left alone
I have the right to receive help and advice from my family, if i have lost my parents I have the right to have someone to protect me and help me.

I have the right to go to school
education has to be free of costs and open to everyone, it also has to support the arts and sports.

I have the right to play
I have the right to rest, to play, and to partecipate freely in cultural life and arts.

I have the right to express myself
I can say, write, draw all the things that I think, and I have the right to be listened. I have the right to make friends and share my ideas.

I have the right to a name and a nationality
from the moment of my birth, I have the right to a name and to enter in the big book where all the people of my country have their names written, this means to have a nationality.

I have the right to live well
my parents should give me food, cloths and a safe home. If my family can’t afford these things, the state has to help them.

Promote the project sharing your postcard with your character or one created by another child.
Here are a few suggestions, but Biriki and his friends will be happy if you want to find new ways!
or on other social medias. Use the image as your cover photo or as your profile, or post it on twitter or instagram. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #animaBIRIKI or to tag the animaBIRIKI facebook page panimaBIRIKI facebook page.
Send your postcard together with the right you picked to your friends and family, always followed by the link so that other kids can take part in the project!
Gift your postcard to a friend, to your grandmother or your teacher. Or you can paste it on your window, in your room or take it to school. Don’t forget to handwrite with beautiful colours the right you picked.
The project starts in Milan on November 20 2015 at MUBA and involves in one year Museums, schools and other partners in Italy, Switzerland and all over the world through workshops and events dedicated to.
Follow adopt a right campaign on facebook | #animaBIRIKI #adoptaright
Thanks for all of them that are supporting ADOPT A RIGHT project in different ways.