è un progetto artistico ed etico, con lo scopo di educare i bambini di oggi, adulti di domani, al rispetto dell’uomo e della natura.

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Segui i voli di animaBIRIKI

The challenge of animaBIRIKI is to create an innovative animation project that takes into account the sensibilities of smaller children, and that is capable of combining a refined aesthetic with a clear message of respect for humankind and for nature aimed at a wide audience.
The project feeds on relationships, through workshops and activities that precede and follow on from the creation of the animated film.
The production of episode one, Biriki and the Rainbow, was an extraordinary experience, the product of a team effort, the result of all the experience accumulated in our individual backgrounds.
animaBIRIKI - lavorazione personaggi

Bruna Ferrazzini’s training as an educator led her on the path to building a wordless language that addresses small children with respect and attention, following on from a decade of experience already gained with the Biriki character as part of an education and communication campaign.

Ilaria Turba, photographer and artist, has mainly followed a path of artistic experimentation, merging practices and skills consistent with her personal journey. In particular, she has developed the participative method of group creation.

Both of the authors oversaw the participation and spreading of the project, through workshops, exhibitions and special events created in collaboration with Museums, Schools and Associations.


Anna Ciammitti followed the entire development of the animation from the storyboard to post-production. Her experience in stop motion animation and in 2D mixed techniques were fundamental ingredients in the visual and experimental pathway of the project.

The capable hands of Manuela Bieri guided us through the woods, in the selection and construction of the materials and objects for the world of animaBIRIKI.


Riccardo Studer recorded, created and assembled a rich range of sounds and noises with the contribution of Alessandro Broggini. He worked on the project following every aspect of the sound mix including the recordings of the characters brought to life thanks to the extraordinary voice of Eugenia Amisano.

The fascinating experimentation between language and the music of Alessandro Bosetti adds rhythmic feeling to the compositions written for orchestra, performed by a group of young musicians from the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, conducted by Francesco Bossaglia. The recordings took place at the prestigious RSI studios (CH).


Biriki and the Rainbow was produced by Amel Soudani e Michela Pini

of Swiss production company CINEDOKKE and was co-produced by Walter Bortolotti and Gabriella De Gara from RSI Radiotelevisione svizzera, with the support of Canton Ticino and FilmPlus in Italian-speaking Switzerland.

The Education Office of Amnesty International Italia gave its patronage to the short film.

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